Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gabby's playing t-ball!

Gabby has started t-ball! At first I have to admitt that I was not very excited about this, I was worried about juggling a new baby and practices, but she was so excited. So...I signed her up. Now I get to sit and watch a very funny comedy routinue. The children are so adorable. Most of them don't have much of a clue about how the game is played, so it is very funny. They run around forgetting where they should be, which team they play for or what to do if they hit the ball. I love watching her learn the rules and gain confidence in herself. She has turned into quite the athlete, something her father and I are not! She has never complained, even when practicing in the pouring down rain. I am so proud of my little ball player!

Our New Addition!

We are proud to annouce the newest member of our family....Giulianna Lee Haft. She was born on April 1st at about 8:30pm. She weighed 6lbs 14oz. and is just perfect! I was induced a week early to avoid going into labor on my own and driving over an hour to the hospital. It took quite awhile to get the process started, but once it finally got started, it went pretty quickly. I am lucky to be a person that doesn't have too difficult of a time pushing out my babies, so two quick pushes later she was out. I had quite a room full of family and friends, and except for when the jerks ate pizza in front of me, I was very glad that they could share this special moment with me. I feel so blessed to have three beautiful baby girls. I can't help but cling to this little girl just trying to get her to stay a newborn forever, but sadly I know that isn't possible. She will most likely be my last child and I can't help but feel sad about that. I will just have to try to savor every moment. The girls are enjoying their little sister, and love helping me with her. Gracie wasn't too sure in the beginning, but she is getting better about her every day. I look forward to watching the three of them grow up together. I know with three girls it won't be all peaches and cream all the time, but hopefully they will be close to one another. Now just remind me of how excited I am to have three girls in about ten years from now, something tells me I may not feel this way at that time:)