Last month, my middle child started preschool! For those who don't live near us, you may not realize what a large feat this is. Gracie has been telling us almost every day for the last year that she will not be attending school. She would be so determined about it, and no matter how many fun things we told her about it she would refuse. She loves to be with us, and I am sure that this is the main reason she didn't want to go. As you can imagine, as the day drew near, I was a bundle of nerves. I could just picture her clinging to my leg sobbing as I pried her off. We got ready for school that day, and she didn't fight me getting dressed. We dropped Gabby off first, and she seemed to be alright, but I noticed her"shaking" a lot as we neared the school. Gracie has always had a "shaking" thing that she does when she is upset, or really excited. It is as though she can't find the words to express her feelings. We pulled in, and I got her out of her car seat. She clutched my hand pretty tightly, and I thought...oh lord, here we go! I helped her hang her backpack up, and we found her some toys to play with. I thought I was going to have to sneak out, but she turned, gave me the biggest squeeze, and said"Mommy, I am going to be alright." I couldn't believe it, it took all of my might to wait until I got to the parking lot before crying. She had decided to go, and to even put on a brave face for me. I love that girl so much! I am so happy and excited that now she loves preschool. Her teachers are fabulous, and she is already learning.
The Haft Happenings
Enjoying life in Oregon
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Last month, my middle child started preschool! For those who don't live near us, you may not realize what a large feat this is. Gracie has been telling us almost every day for the last year that she will not be attending school. She would be so determined about it, and no matter how many fun things we told her about it she would refuse. She loves to be with us, and I am sure that this is the main reason she didn't want to go. As you can imagine, as the day drew near, I was a bundle of nerves. I could just picture her clinging to my leg sobbing as I pried her off. We got ready for school that day, and she didn't fight me getting dressed. We dropped Gabby off first, and she seemed to be alright, but I noticed her"shaking" a lot as we neared the school. Gracie has always had a "shaking" thing that she does when she is upset, or really excited. It is as though she can't find the words to express her feelings. We pulled in, and I got her out of her car seat. She clutched my hand pretty tightly, and I thought...oh lord, here we go! I helped her hang her backpack up, and we found her some toys to play with. I thought I was going to have to sneak out, but she turned, gave me the biggest squeeze, and said"Mommy, I am going to be alright." I couldn't believe it, it took all of my might to wait until I got to the parking lot before crying. She had decided to go, and to even put on a brave face for me. I love that girl so much! I am so happy and excited that now she loves preschool. Her teachers are fabulous, and she is already learning.
1st grade
I know it has been almost a month since school started, but it is still such an important day, we have to blog about it. I can't believe that I have a first grader! She is getting so big so quickly. Last year her starting school was an emotional thing for me....this year, not much was different;) She is just so brave! I was always so scared on the first day of school, she ended last year, not all that happy with school. I was worried that it would transfer to this year. We went into her classroom though and she just picked out her desk, put her lunch away, and went to introduce herself to some little girls. I love that she is so friendly and outgoing, makes me a little envious. She had a great first day, and is loving school. Our only problem, is the bus...she hates it. I can't really blame her, it makes her day that much longer. They get out of school at 3:00, but it is a 45min bus ride home. Hopefully as she gets used to the long days, it will get better.
It is amazing how much she has already learned, she is reading, adding, and according her teacher is very well behaved. Thank the lord! I love watching the wheels in her head turn as she sounds words out, and tries to spell. Here is to a fabulous year!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
We had the great chance to go visit Jed's older sister Jolene this summer. She has come to visit us a few times, but this was the first time we have been able to return the favor. It was deffinitly a long drive to get there, she lives in Edmonton, Alberta. It is about a 21 hour drive from where we live. On the way up there, we did try to break up the drive a little. We stopped at an amusement park in Idaho, and the girl's had such a fabulous time. It was a lot of fun! My husband has severe problems with motion sickness, due to a fair incident gone horribly wrong when he was a child, so I was so proud of him when he donned a motion sickness patch and rode a few rides. Finally, we arrived at Jolene's. We had so much fun, they showed us all around, and the kids were so excited to play with their cousins. We got to go to the world's largest mall(very impressive), and indoor waterpark, a children's museum, and an amusement park. Not to forget the many city parks we picniced at, I swear the parks there are the cleanest, nicest parks ever. I was really glad for this oppertunity this trip allowed us. It allowed my husband to spend quality time with his sister, the cousins to play, and it allowed my children to see another country and experiance some different things they have never experianced. I cannot wait to go again someday....I only have one request, that they please eleminate their horrible mosquito problem before I return. I was close to turning into one big bite/hive!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Where o' Where is Spring?
Here we stand right on the verge of summer, and I ask myself where did Spring run off too? We have deffinitley had the April Showers, but they have continued through May and if the weather man's forcast is correct, threaten to invade June as well. I am so sick of the rain! Most of you know that I live in the beautiful state of Oregon, and wonder if I hate the rain so much, why do I live here? Well, the answer is love....My wonderful husband apparently cannot handle the thought of ever moving away from his beloved hometown. It drives me nuts! I'm not asking to move far, just someplace where it rains a few weeks less per year. I feel as though I never get a complete chance to dry out. I am starting to get moldy!!! Have you ever tried finding fun locations for birthday parties where it is dry in a small town, or tried to hide easter eggs in the sopping wet grass, or potty train a dog who looks outside at the rain and won't go out? It is not the greatest!I live and anticipate the three months of the year where the rain promises to let up, and the sun peek out and grace us with it's presence. I just really hope that this year doesn't disapoint and it is glorious. I will anxiously await the fabulous rare exposure, and dare to let my white a** legs soak some up! Here is to a sunny, warm season!!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
So sorry!
You really know that you have been slacking in the blogging dept. when you can't remember your password, and sit there staring at the screen for like 10 mins! Now that I have finally remembered, let's just move forward, I am not going to dignify this with any excuses. February was a pretty good month for us...I got outvoted and we got a puppy. I don't really know how these things work, but sometimes I honestly believe that secret meetings go on behind my back. The children and husband all conspired against me to get a dog. I was not sure that I wanted a puppy. We had a dog for almost 9 years, and I loved him dearly. Colt passed away in November. He was so sweet, but a real pain in the rear...( a slight destroying things, and digging problem). I was just beginning to feel the freedom of not owning a pet, you know the leaving the house without doing the check to make sure nothing would get eaten, open blinds, food, water, etc... and now whamo a new dog! I'm not saying he isn't adorable, because he is, however as with all new puppies he is a pain. The potty training is a slow process, and as always happens in this house, they promise their assistance, but the follow through is not that great. Pretty soon it becomes mom's responsibility...well Jack(puppy) you better stop pissing on my floor soon or this could be a pet free zone once again!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Holiday Time!
Well as 2010 draws to a close, I can't help but get a little sappy and sentimental. I am so thankful for the year I have had. I had a beautiful daughter this year, watched my other two beautiful daughters grow and change, and help my husband accomplish his dream of starting his own business. I turned thirty this year also. I didn't have any mid life crisis as some do, I am actually looking forward to my thirties. I feel like I am at peace with who I am. I am so excited for this christmas! I so enjoy giving those I love gifts, and having children makes christmas a blast. We have been reading the story of baby Jesus and I am enjoying watching the girls begin to understand about God's love for us.
We are lucky in the fact that both Jed and I have our families living close to us, so we get to spend the holiday with both our families. We are going to xmas eve with Jed's family, and will spend xmas afternoon with my family. I have an inkling that this is going to be an extra special xmas ;). I will post more about that after xmas, wouldn't want to ruin any surprises. I want to wish all of my friends and families a wonderful holiday and I hope Santa brings you all something special.
We are lucky in the fact that both Jed and I have our families living close to us, so we get to spend the holiday with both our families. We are going to xmas eve with Jed's family, and will spend xmas afternoon with my family. I have an inkling that this is going to be an extra special xmas ;). I will post more about that after xmas, wouldn't want to ruin any surprises. I want to wish all of my friends and families a wonderful holiday and I hope Santa brings you all something special.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wow does time fly!
For the readers of my blog I sincerly appologize for the long lapse in my blogging. Lets just trust that we had an excellant summer, although it was way to short for my taste. Now fall is upon us, and with it comes a whole new look, smell, and tons of activities. I love living somewhere where I get to experiance the changing of the leaves. It is so beautiful.Gabby started kindergarten this year, and I don't think I was ready. It feels so weird being on the parent end of things going to conferences, etc. It seems like just yesterday our parents were attending our conferences. She is doing really well, but there are days that she doesn't want to go. She cries and it breaks my heart. I am hoping that as time goes on she will feel more comfortable and excited about it. We took the girls to Roloff Farms this year. We love the show, but hadn't ever visited the farm before. It was very busy!! However it was a really neat thing to experiance at least once. We got to take the wagon tour, and it was very impressive to see all the things they had built for their children. Can you imagine having your own castle? The cast of the show were all there and were very kind and friendly. The girls had a blast! Jed, maybe not so much...he is not a fan of crowds. At least we can say we did it. It was a fun experiance.
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